National Gendarmerie of Chad
1961 Attachment authority: Ministère délégué à la Présidence de la République chargé de la Défense nationale et des anciens combattants Workforce: 8 500 General manager: Général de brigade NGARHORGMOTI Elie Address: Klessoum - N’Djamena Tél.: 00 235 66 40 98 58 Tél.: Chief of Staff: 00 235 66 28 51 13 Communication Manager: Adjudant-chef MIANGUESMBAYE Blaise Tél.: 00235 66285113 Tél.: Orders and Logistics Service: 00235 62375868 ![]() |
Before the independence, the French Gendarmerie is present in the Chad with the French Equatorial Africa (FEA) gendarmerie detachment. It is transformed into section in 1949, into company in 1955, then into grouping/squad of gendarmes. Proclaimed Republic on November 28th, 1958, Chad becomes independent on August 11th, 1960. In 1961, the Chad National Gendarmerie is officially created by the decree n° 142/PCM of August 17th. In 1962, the decree n° 125/DN of June 20th settles up its service. In 1982, the Gendarmerie is transformed into military police before finding back its previous status on 1990. In 1992, the decree n° 159/MDNACVG/92 of April 14th fixes its general organization. In 1993, the decree n° 93-050 1993-02-05PR/MDPRC/DNACVG/93 divides the Republic of the Chad territory in eight Gendarmerie districts. In 1994, the National Gendarmerie command becomes the National Gendarmerie General Direction. In 1996, the Chad Republic Constitution devotes a chapter to the National Gendarmerie. In 2013, after the Security Integrated Detachment (DIS) dissolution, the responsibility for ensuring the security to the Sudanese refugees, to displaced Chadian and humanitarian staff comes back now to the Gendarmerie. From the independence to our days, the Chadian gendarmes underwent and suffered several civil wars and intercommunity conflicts. While Chad knew several rebel attacks from the Sudan between 2006 and 2009, it now benefits of a calmed enough situation since the peace agreement signed with this country in January 2010. However crisis situations and security threats multiply around the Chad: intensification of the illegal traffics, rise of terrorism in Sahel and violence connected to Boko Haram in Nigeria, instability in Central African Republic and in Libya.

The Gendarmerie is positioned under the Head of the State’s direct authority, through the Presidency of the Republic vice-minister, in charge of the national defence, the war veterans and war victims.
Central Organization
The National Gendarmerie General Director, whose head office is located in N’Djamena, is assisted by:
• a National Gendarmerie personnel director;
• a National Gendarmerie assistant director for employment;
• an assistant director of National Gendarmerie technical services;
• an adviser of National Gendarmerie mobile units.
Territorial organization
• 12 corps of gendarmes.
• 69 companies.
• 313 territorial brigades.

Specialized Training
• 25 squads of mobile Gendarmes including 75 squadrons.
• 69 brigades for criminal investigations/researches.
• The Grouping of the Specialized Units (GSU).
• The Grouping of Security and Protection of the Oil Installations (GSPOI).
• The Grouping of Security of the National Gendarmerie (GSNG).
• The Grouping of Intervention of the National Gendarmerie (GING).
• The Antiterrorist Intervention Platoon (AIP).
• The Gendarmerie River Brigade created in 2015.
• Criminal Investigation Department. Major assistant for performing the Criminal Investigation Department duties in the capital as in province, the Chadian National Gendarmerie exercises this mission through its territorial brigades and its criminal investigations/researches units actions distributed on the whole territory. Furthermore, a nation wide competent Judicial Police National Section is completing this police force. It finally benefits from a technical police cell support in connection with the Technical Police Central Service.
• Administrative police. The Chadian National Gendarmerie has squads of Gendarmes with maintenance of law and order vocation in province and specialized groupings in the capital N’Djamena. In charge of the protection of the oil infrastructures, it "arms" also 3 specialized groupings distributed on the oil-bearing exploitation sites. In charge of the general surveillance on the whole territory, it benefits from a surveillance and intervention platoon, a traffic police equipped with motorcycles and commit itself in 2015 in the acquisition of river boats in order to ensure the river and lakeside borders surveillance. It besides created an antiterrorist intervention platoon.
• Military police. Used beside armed forces with regard to provostship-military police missions, the Chadian National Gendarmerie also participates, if necessary, in military operations in constituted-units.

On December 1st, 2014, the National Gendarmerie counts 8 500 men and women. The feminization of the recruitment dates 2010. There is no conscript of the contingent. The whole of the gendarmes pertains to the military status with an adaptation from the military salary point of view. Regarding housing, the principle wants that, in all the barracks, a camp family is put at the disposal of the married servicemen and a single camp is intended to the other staffs. In the practice, custom dictates that the majority of the staff lives outside. Regarding recruitment, the officers’ one is made by direct way within officers’ promotions coming out of the joint task forces military academies grouping. A semi-direct recruitment also exists, on merit, among the gendarmerie non-commissioned officers. The non-commissioned officers are recruited by competitive examination and trained within the gendarmerie schools grouping instruction centres.

Training institutions
The Gendarmerie school grouping includes:
• the N’djamena National Gendarmerie officer’s school of application.
• the non-commissioned officers’ school.
• 3 centres for initial instruction.
• 3 schools for improvement and specialisation.
Main equipment
• Armament: AK 47 - Cougar - Machine guns - RPG - RPG7.
• Vehicles: pick-up Toyota Hilux.
Traced on the French model, the Chadian National Gendarmerie maintains since its creation narrow links with its "French big sister". However, it knew how to adapt itself to the local constraints while drawing from training actions experience feedback in France of its staffs, sources of evolution from the organization or the operational conduct point of view of assigned missions. The training delivered in France remains the reference (EOGN, CNEFG, CNFPJ, CNFSR, GIGN). It is completed by the multiple local training initiatives organized within the framework of the project "Support for the gendarmerie internal security".

© The iconography was provided by the concerned gendarmeries